Acupuncture & Sound Bath: Quadraphonic

Thu, December 21 @ 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
The Sou'wester Lodge
3728 J Place

Solstice at Sou’wester 

Quadraphonic Acupuncture & Sound Bath

With Star Child x Sonic Ceremonies

Winter Solstice | Thursday, December 21st | 3-4:30pm


Quadraphonic sound modality generates a multidimensional ebb and flow of sonic phenomena, enveloping you in a multidimensional audio and natural landscape and allowing you to truly disappear into an ocean of vibration. This sanctuary of sound will be crafted through a variety of acoustic instruments, field recordings from the Sou’wester and surrounding natural environment, analog synthesizers, and binaural sources, all woven together to support you in rejuvenation and self-discovery. Take it a layer deeper with the option of receiving acupuncture and gentle bodywork to support the body and nervous system in deeper listening and integration on a core level.
At The Sou’wester Lodge Pavilion – 3728 J Place Seaview, WA 98624
Hosted by Celestial Window Restorative Arts as part of their Creative Wellness Residency
*Please note the time error on the flyer. This event is at 3pm not 6pm
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