See what’s happening during your next stay or plan a visit around our free live music, workshops, wellness offerings and more!

Ayurvedic Nutrition and Self Care for Autumnal Equinox with Elyssia Schaeffer
Sep 6 @ 10:00 am – 12:30 pm

Workshop Series at The Sou’wester

Ayurvedic Nutrition and Self Care for Autumnal Equinox with Elyssia Schaeffer

Learn how to use the ancient healing practices of Ayurveda and Yoga to keep your body and mind balanced as we transition from Summer To Fall. Seasonal beverages and snacks will be provided!



Elyssia Schaeffer is a Certified Wellness Coach and Registered Yoga Teacher from Portland, OR blending her knowledge of Ayurveda, Yoga and holistic nutrition to share person-centered seasonal eating and self care practices.

COST: $15

BRING: Yoga mat and a blanket. Please wear comfortable clothes.

All workshops are open to the public.

All Skill Levels Welcome.

RSVP via or 360-642-2542


Topography of Self: Writing Workshop with Sara Blackthorne
Sep 9 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Workshop Series at The Sou’wester

Topography of Self: Writing Workshop with Sara Blackthorne


Topography of Self: (n) the way places infuse, inspire, and invade our writing life

Topography of Self is an investigation into the way place appears in our writing. It is a road map to the places we have lived, breathed, dreamed, and suffered. Designed to infuse your work with sensation by pushing you deep into your own sense memory, this course will inspire, enlighten, and enliven your work.

The places we go, the landscapes we discover, change and alter us. Our journey to new territories inspires us, and these locations leave traces of their being in our hearts. Exploring the impact these places have on our souls and psyches gives us new insight into our experiences and fodder for our writing. It changes the way we talk about place. Our place.

Rooting into the landscape of the Pacific Northwest, we will use writing prompts, images, smells, and sounds to dig deep into our image vocabularies and discover our internal geography. Through this discovery, we begin to write the stories that mirror the topographies of our journey to this moment.

A writer, editor, creative coach, and intuitive ritualist, Sara Blackthorne brings her love of mystery and the journey to her writing and art. She can often be found wandering along the beach, in the forest, or a city street. Her first chapbook, Wander, explores the topography of self.

COST: $40

BRING: Notebook, writing instruments, photograph or object representing their favorite place (suggested but not required.) Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Hot tea and coffee provided.

All workshops are open to the public.

All Skill Levels Welcome.

RSVP via or 360-642-2542


Radio Muse: Writing Workshop with Meg Weber
Sep 10 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Workshop Series at The Sou’wester

Radio Muse: Writing Workshop with Meg Weber

Writers find inspiration anywhere. In this workshop, we’ll use song lyrics from singer-songwriters as prompts for writing. We’ll explore how the confluence of words, rhythm, melody, and harmony affect our own words and stories. We will listen to songs from several musicians and read along with the lyrics. Then we’ll write together and share these fledgling bits of story aloud. At the end of our workshop, you’ll walk away with several short pieces of fresh writing and hopefully a new appreciation for how music can influence and inspire your writing. Fiction and nonfiction writers welcome, no experience necessary. 

Meg Weber writes to connect with herself and to understand the world around her. She believes in the power of words and in the synergy created by writing in community. Meg holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology and is a therapist in private practice. Her work has been featured at MUTHA Magazine, The Manifest-Station, and The Quotable. She is currently at work on two book-length memoir projects.

COST: $40

BRING: Notebook, writing instruments, photograph that represents a memorable event or age in the individual’s life (suggested, not required.) Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Hot tea and coffee provided.

All workshops are open to the public.

All Skill Levels Welcome.

RSVP via or 360-642-2542

Nourishing Ourselves into Winter with Food and Herbs
: instructors Kate Coulton & Paige Common
Oct 14 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Workshop Series at The Sou’wester

Nourishing Ourselves into Winter with Food and Herbs
 with instructors Kate Coulton & Paige Common


Kate Coulton and Chef and Owner of Eatin Alive, Paige Common will lead participants through a hands on workshop to learn how to prepare for the Winter season.  Attendees will make elderberry syrups and fire cider to take home while learning the folkore and medicinal uses of this age old medicine.  Paige will nourish us with a hearty, warming lunch while we also prepare broths to deepen the support for our immune systems in the coming cold and flu season.  Join us to welcome in the Autumn air as the coastal seasons shift.

Instructor Paige Common: Detroit born and bred, soulful living inspires this gal: healthy diets, hearty laughter and active lifestyle. Paige stated preparing plant-based foods in her Portland kitchen giving life to Eatin’ Alive in 2010.  She believes that a rainbow a day will keep the doctor away. Paige is available for one-on-one health coaching, recipe development, pre/post-natal consultations, small event catering, speaking engagements and classes.

Instructor Kate Coulton:
As a close friend and ally to the plant world, Kate continues forging an inspired career as an herbalist. Her experience as a youth educator, plant cultivator, and former lead medicine maker at Cascade Folk Medicine provides the guiding force for her work with Seed and Thistle Apothecary’s educational programs. As the owner of Pinion Botanicals, she thrives on discovering the creative beauty of bountiful plant material through natural wool dying, floral design, and concocting herbal remedies. Kate’s ultimate passion lies in the collaboration and integration of plants into all aspects of life.

COST: $40

BRING: Please bring notebooks and pens to take notes. Hot tea and coffee provided. Lunch is provided by chef, Paige Common.

All workshops are open to the public.

All Skill Levels Welcome.

RSVP via or 360-642-2542



The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Fall & Winter 2017/2018 Workshop Series at The Sou’wester. Visit to see the entire schedule of more than 28 artist-led workshops.







Pumpkin Carving Party
Oct 25 @ 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Celebrate Halloween at the Sou’wester BYOP style! Bring your own pumpkin (or buy one of ours) and your favorite carving tools and we will all gather at the Sou’wester for a Pumpkin Carving Party! Don’t forget to bring a candle to light your creation at the end for our jack-o-lantern show!



Free and Open to the public.

Drop in anytime and stay as little or as long as you like.

Family friendly. Please no unattended children. 

Please wear clothes that are ok to get dirty and bring a plastic baggie if you want to save your pumpkin seeds for roasting!

Hot tea and coffee provided. Maybe we will have some other yummies too? Snacks? Hot cocoa?



Shorebirds, Seabirds & Little Brown Birds with Mark Elliott
Oct 29 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

Workshop Series at The Sou’wester

Shorebirds, Seabirds & Little Brown Birds with Mark Elliott

This Birding Field Trip will meet inside the Sou’wester Lodge at 9:30am and finish at noon. Some birds we will be looking for are Golden-crowned Sparrow, Sanderlings, Hermit Thrushes, Great Blue Herons, Surf Scoters, Western Grebes and Bald Eagles. We will learn about bird behavior and how to identify birds by using “fieldmarks” and habitat. We will be hiking in and around Cape Disappointment State Park and we can carpool. A Washington State Park “Discovery Pass” will be needed for parking (a $10 day fee). Bring binoculars. For those who want to continue birding in the afternoon please bring a sack lunch. (This class will happen rain or shine.)

Audubon Society of Lincoln City’s field trip guide Mark Elliott has been birding for 35 years. He teaches raptor identification and basic birding at Oregon Coast Community College. Mark also leads field trips for Yaquina Birders and Naturalists in Newport, Oregon and at the Birding and Blues Festival in Pacific City, Oregon. Mark stays active in citizen science by taking part in annual Christmas Birdcounts and has been recording data for COASST (Coastal Observation And Seabird Survey Team) for seven years. He has birded 48 states, the Caribbean, Canada, Mexico and Europe. He now lives on the Oregon coast.

COST:  $5 per person or $10 per family

BRING: Please bring binoculars if you have them. Bring weather appropriate clothing and footwear. (This class will happen rain or shine.) For those who want to continue birding in the afternoon please bring a sack lunch (hot tea and coffee provided).

All workshops are open to the public.

All Skill Levels Welcome.

RSVP via or 360-642-2542


The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644




This class is part of the Fall & Winter 2017/2018 Workshop Series at The Sou’wester. Visit to see the entire schedule of more than 28 artist-led workshops.






2017 Indigo Dye Workshop
Nov 4 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Workshop Series at The Sou’wester

Shibori, Batik, & Dip-Dye Using All Natural Indigo with Carolyn Hopkins

We’ll be making tote bags or scarves (depending on what you fancy). You will learn shibori and wax-resist techniques in order to create patterns on your naturally dyed indigo piece. I’ll walk you through the process of how indigo works, and you will leave with an item made by you!

Carolyn Hopkins holds an MFA from the Cranbrook Academy of Art and her work has been shown internationally. Her focus is on the intersection of art and craft, and primary mediums are fibers, glass, and clay.

COST:  $40 plus a $10 material fee (Please pay material fee directly to instructor)

BRING: Please wear clothing you don’t mind getting dye on (or an apron) and shoes that can get wet. (hot tea and coffee provided)

All workshops are open to the public.

All Skill Levels Welcome.

This workshop is for students age 18 and up. 10 students max.

RSVP via or 360-642-2542


The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Fall & Winter 2017/2018 Workshop Series at The Sou’wester. Visit to see the entire schedule of more than 28 artist-led workshops.



Mushroom Medicinals with Jason Tschimperle
Nov 11 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Workshop Series at The Sou’wester

Mushroom Medicinals with Jason Tschimperle

Learn to identify, responsibly wild harvest, and make homespun folk therapeutics with two types of medicinal fungi and lichen. We’ll discuss the medicinal constituents of each specimen, discover their favorite ecological niches, and learn to make salves and tinctures.

Jason Tschimperle is the proprietor of Mamook Wellness at The Sou’wester Lodge, an educator, an illustrator, and a long time lover of the mushroom world.

COST:  $35

BRING: Please bring a notebook and a sack lunch and/or snack (hot tea and coffee provided).


All workshops are open to the public.

All Skill Levels Welcome.

All Ages Welcome. 8 students max.

RSVP via or 360-642-2542


The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644




This class is part of the Fall & Winter 2017/2018 Workshop Series at The Sou’wester. Visit to see the entire schedule of more than 28 artist-led workshops.

Writing is Magic: Intuitive Writing
Nov 11 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Workshop Series at The Sou’wester

Writing is Magic: Intuitive Writing with Nick Jaina & Olivia Pepper

“Had I not created my own world, I most certainly would have died in other people’s.” – Anais Nin

Writing is magic and deserves the reverence and dignity we give to such things. Writing is also a personal discipline, not a competition, and it is much more than a means of gaining fame and recognition.

These workshops are devoted to going deeper with our writing, becoming better observers, better critical thinkers, and ultimately more balanced people. We can use writing to save our own lives and the lives of others. This is important work.

“If I have made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient observation than to any other reason.” – Isaac Newton

(Students are encouraged to take both classes, Nov 11th and Nov 12th, but are also welcome to join one or the other. The content of each class will be different. The focus of the class on Nov 11th will be on Intuitive Writing: finding methods to let go of your critical voice to generate material that will surprise you, teach you more about yourself, help you deal with questions. The focus of the class on Nov 12th will be on Mythological Writing: understanding forms of writing and storytelling structures found in Tarot, alchemy, and mythology to help structure your stories and your writing practice.)


Nick Jaina is a writer and musician from Portland, Oregon. His memoir Get It While You Can was a finalist for the 2016 Oregon Book Award. Olivia Pepper is a healer and mystic from Austin, Texas.

COST:  $50 for one class or $100 for both classes

BRING: pen and paper or laptop (hot tea and coffee provided)


All workshops are open to the public.

All Skill Levels Welcome.

This workshop is for students age 14 and up. 10 students max.

RSVP via or 360-642-2542


 The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644



This class is part of the Fall & Winter 2017/2018 Workshop Series at The Sou’wester. Visit to see the entire schedule of more than 28 artist-led workshops.







Writing is Magic: Mythological Writing with Nick Jaina & Olivia Pepper
Nov 12 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Workshop Series at The Sou’wester

Writing is Magic: Mythological Writing with Nick Jaina & Olivia Pepper

“Had I not created my own world, I most certainly would have died in other people’s.” – Anais Nin

Writing is magic and deserves the reverence and dignity we give to such things. Writing is also a personal discipline, not a competition, and it is much more than a means of gaining fame and recognition.

These workshops are devoted to going deeper with our writing, becoming better observers, better critical thinkers, and ultimately more balanced people. We can use writing to save our own lives and the lives of others. This is important work.

“If I have made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient observation than to any other reason.” – Isaac Newton

(Students are encouraged to take both classes, Nov 11th and Nov 12th, but are also welcome to join one or the other. The content of each class will be different. The focus of the class on Nov 11th will be on Intuitive Writing: finding methods to let go of your critical voice to generate material that will surprise you, teach you more about yourself, help you deal with questions. The focus of the class on Nov 12th will be on Mythological Writing: understanding forms of writing and storytelling structures found in Tarot, alchemy, and mythology to help structure your stories and your writing practice.)


Nick Jaina is a writer and musician from Portland, Oregon. His memoir Get It While You Can was a finalist for the 2016 Oregon Book Award. Olivia Pepper is a healer and mystic from Austin, Texas.

COST:  $50 for one class or $100 for both classes

BRING: pen and paper or laptop (hot tea and coffee provided)

All workshops are open to the public.

All Skill Levels Welcome.

This workshop is for students age 14 and up. 10 students max.

RSVP via or 360-642-2542



 The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644



This class is part of the Fall & Winter 2017/2018 Workshop Series at The Sou’wester. Visit to see the entire schedule of more than 28 artist-led workshops.





