Artful Correspondence with instructor Melissa Favara

Sat, December 21 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
$30 plus a $5 material fee (Please pay material fee directly to instructor)

Fall/Winter 2019 Workshop Series
Artful Correspondence with instructor Melissa Favara

Participants will create beautiful one of a kind artifacts to send in the mail that are creatively written and visually appealing during this session through exploring creative writing prompts and play with materials. Creative letter craft will involve writing, gathering ephemera, and collaging with a wealth of curious materials. Typewriters, a variety of other writing implements, and all collage materials will be provided.

Melissa Favara writes creative nonfiction, teaches writing and literature at Clark College, collects typewriters, and curates the 1,000 Words reading series. She is a member of the board of directors of the Independent Publishing Resource Center, writes the zine teen sleuth, and seeks every opportunity to promote reading, writing, and the printed word. Her work has appeared in street roots, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, and elsewhere.

COST:  $30 plus a $5 material fee (Please pay material fee directly to the instructor.)

BRING: A notebook and pen and a list of people you’ve been meaning to be in better touch with. Please bring a sack lunch and/or snack. Hot tea and coffee provided.

This workshop is for teens and adults. 10 students max.

RSVP: via or 360-642-2542 between 9am-9pm

The Sou’wester Lodge at 3728 J Place, Seaview, WA 98644


This class is part of the Fall/Winter 2019 Workshop Series. All classes are open to the public and all skill levels welcome. Visit to see the full schedule of artist-led workshops.

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