The Art Trailer Gallery lives in a 1960’s Aloha made in Aloha, Oregon. It was rescued from a neglected RV park in the northern part of the Long Beach Peninsula. After lots of TLC, it has transformed into a bright and beautiful open space to reflect a traditional gallery. It is now part of the Artist Residency Program and our non-profit organization, Sou’wester Arts. Exterior mural Summer 2018 by artist Nicky Kriara.



Indigovisions is a collaborative installation by artists Iris Sullivan Daire & Britt Boles, the founders of Indigofest. The exhibit features the work of dozens of artists from around the world and over 100 local children. The installation immerses the viewer in blue missives depicting dreams for the future where our actions of now brings healing and wellbeing to all on Earth.

Visitors to the gallery are invited to participate by taking a contemplative moment at the desk to focus on the qualities of wellbeing, and to then use the handmade indigo ink to create their own art postcard to the future. A bulletin board is provided for them to post their cards on. 

Flanking the entrance are two fabric wrapped pots filled with Persicaria tinctoria indigo plants. Natural indigo pigment is a beautiful example of partnership between humans and the natural world.  Indigo has a global impact, and a history reaching back thousands of years – which exemplifies every level of human expression from the sublime to some of our most horrific actions. The use of indigo ink from these plants is with deliberate intent as a tool for healing and finding peace.  

The Indigo Well sculpture is made from a globe stand Iris’s two sons found discarded on the side of a road. It is filled with dried Persicaria tinctoria leaves, a species of indigo that both Iris and Britt grow on the North Coast of Oregon. The blue fabric stripe on the front is made from dye samples taken to gauge the health of an indigo vat. Tending and caring for a vat is a dynamic process requiring skill and intuition. Testing the vat by dyeing a sample helps the dyer see clearly what is, so they can choose how to respond and take action.  

Taking time to look clearly at what is, and then thoughtfully respond, is a process which can be taken by any of us at any time.

IndigoFest is an annual retreat exploring the human – indigo relationship – from seed to cloth.”

“Water & Wood” January 14 – April 5, 2020 by Artist: Sam Montaña

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