The Art Trailer Gallery lives in a 1960’s Aloha made in Aloha, Oregon. It was rescued from a neglected RV park in the northern part of the Long Beach Peninsula. After lots of TLC, it has transformed into a bright and beautiful open space to reflect a traditional gallery. It is now part of the Artist Residency Program and our non-profit organization, Sou’wester Arts. Exterior mural Summer 2018 by artist Nicky Kriara.


“Hi, we’re The Lasers.

We live in a little house in Tacoma, WA with our six pets and a lot of art. We fell in love four years ago, and found it to be the most generative, inspiring experience of our lives. The experience of being in love is rich, textured, and interesting. Some moments are shiny and bright, the kind that catch your eye and linger with warmth. Others are challenging, and leave you with a better sense of who you are and what matters to you. We love love.

Curated by Nikki Cormaci

“Water & Wood” January 14 – April 5, 2020 by Artist: Sam Montaña

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